Fan Yang

I am currently working as a Robotics Navigation Engineer at Midea Emerging Technology Center (METC) in San Jose. My responsibilities include development of multi-modality sensor fusion-based localization, state estimation and mapping system, multi-objects perception, tracking and sematic based scene understanding algorithm using point cloud data, image data, and inertial sensor.
I received my PhD degree at Stony Brook University under the supervision of Prof. Nilanjan Chakraborty in Interacting Robotic Systems Laboratory. We investigate novel methodologies of task allocation, path planning with uncertain payoff and resource consumption for multi-robot systems.
I am broadly interested in robotics, combinatorial optimization, and artificial intelligence. My research focuses on developing algorithms for the multi-robot system that will coordinate robots to work robustly and reliably under uncertain environment and enable long-term autonomy. I have worked on stochastic optimization, multi-robot task allocation, path planning, distributed algorithms, SLAM and deep reinforcement learning.
Nov 12, 2021 | Join Navigation team of Midea Emerging Technology Center (METC). |
Feb 28, 2021 | Our paper on Chance Constrained Simultaneous Path Planning and Task Assignment with Bottleneck Objective was accepted for publication by ICRA 2021. |
Jun 30, 2020 | Our paper on Algorithm for Multi-robot Chance-constrained Generalized Assignment Problem with Stochastic Resource Consumption was accepted by IROS 2020. |
Jan 21, 2020 | Our paper on Chance Constrained Simultaneous Path Planning and Task Assignment for Multiple Robots with Stochastic Path Costs was accepted for publication by ICRA 2020. |